Quick Bits: Bryan Kohberger, Motion Denied and Scheduling. Donna Adelson, New Attorney. Rust Hearing and Jodi Hildebrandt’s House.

Jan 29, 2024

Bryan Kohberger was back in court for a scheduling conference. There is a high possibility that the trial will begin in the summer of 2025 and can be between 12 and 15 weeks long. Donna Adelson had a hearing waiving the conflicts with hiring the same attorneys who represented her son, Charlie Adelson. Hanna Gutierrez Reed was in court for a scheduling conference in the Rust Case and will go to trial next month. Jodi Hildebrant put her house for sale, and Kevin Franke filed a motion requesting a portion of the sale to go to his children. Lastly, Cheer Coach Monica Aldama’s son, Austin Aldama, was indicted and arrested for possession of illicit images of children.

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