Why This Blog, Why Now?

Why This Blog, Why Now?

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Why This Blog, Why Now?

Written By:

Emily D. Baker

Writing a blog is something I have wanted to do for years. I have contemplated it, I even started a few at various times but never hit that publish button. I hate to admit what was holding me back, but it was fear. I knew that if I was going to start to open my life up online I had to be willing to open it up, the good, the bad and the things that make me insecure. If I am not willing to be open with you guys what good does it really do? That’s why I never hit the publish button before, I just wasn’t ready to share it all because I still wasn’t ok with what ‘it all’ was. I was so worried about being judged for the way I run my business and my life, for the things I do or don’t do. But after a lot of work on myself, I realized it doesn’t matter. I want to share and I now that there will be more people who are entertained, helped or at least feel less alone, so it doesn’t matter if people are going to judge. Some of the most important breakthroughs and changes that I have made in life come from good conversation and hearing other peoples stories. So this is our conversation.

A bit about me

I have been through quite a bit in the last few years. I decided after I had my youngest in 2012 that I had to start to change. It took a lot of false starts before I really started to recognize that I had built a new life. Looking back I can see all the little moments that led me to retire from my career, start my own business and craft a different life. A bit of that journey is captured in my TEDx talk, more of it will be here. Yes, a lot of what I share will be how to run a business and what is going on in the law that affects online businesses. But I am also going to be sharing my own journey with entrepreneurship. My husband and I are both self-employed and are raising two boys while we do it. So when business ebbs and flows it can feel overwhelming. There are a lot of things I have learned and tried along the way to make life easier….and that life balance stuff is what I always want to know when I meet entrepreneurs. I am here to support you in your business and your journey. If you want to come along for everything I’ve got going on I am happy to have you. I am also always happy to connect with you and hear your stories so feel free to connect with me on social!!!

LAST UPDATED: June 19, 2015

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